A Call for Transformational Change

• by Bruce LaRue, Ph.D. and Jim Solomon

The COVID-19 Pandemic presents a unique opportunity to “reboot” our cities – how do we want them to look, feel, and function differently this time?  Our vision is for a built environment designed around and for the human, where people can live, work, and play, with renewable energy sources that result in a carbon-neutral habitat. A multigenerational, livable, healthy community model that is scalable and replicable.

The question then becomes “HOW” do we get there from here – how do we successfully approach this large-scale transformational change?

At Chambers Bay Institute, our methodology for leading transformational change is used by hundreds of leaders around the globe. Our process engages and aligns a broad range of stakeholders inspired with a new vision of the future, combined with the unique skills of what we call the Integrator Leader.

Integrator Leaders possess the unique ability to see what isn’t there, channeling the collective energy of others to make their vision a reality. Simply stated, leadership is about leading change. Rather than engaging in futile attempts to manage, adapt to, or resist change, Integrator Leaders help their teams to build a future yet to be born.

Change has become so pervasive that just to survive means that we must learn to leverage change to our advantage by building organizations and cities that are more adaptive, agile, creative, and innovative. Improving your change strategy by becoming an Integrator Leader is therefore not only a matter of survival, but it is the key to thriving in an increasingly volatile and uncertain world.

What we do know is that what got us here today won’t get us to where we need to be. To achieve this vision for our cities, our efforts must be focused on integrated solutions to the challenges we face – now and in the future.

It is now within our reach to reinvent our cities and prepare for an urban environment that supports health, well-being, and sustainability.  To achieve this vision, we need leaders who are capable of leading transformational change, we need Integrator Leaders.

Read the thought-provoking paper “Creating Sustainable, Resilient, and Livable Cities – A Call for Transformational Change” by clicking here.

(This paper was written prior to the COVID-19 Pandemic. The authors, four global thought leaders, outline their vision for a large-scale transformational change effort and how to achieve it. Their paper, “Creating Sustainable, Resilient, and Livable Cities – A Call for Transformational Change”, was presented at the 52nd International Making Cities Liable Conference, on Achieving Green, Livable Cities, Bristol, United Kingdom, June 29 – 3 July 2015 – Bruce LaRue, Ph.D., Dan Burden, Moral Fourman, and Sarah Bowman.)



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